経済学の発展を辿る The Worldly Philosophers(1953年)から。


以下は、18世紀のイギリスにおける土地を持たない農民や炭鉱で働く子供たちの過酷な生活を描写した後に続く1文です。haphazard は「無秩序な」。

A strange, cruel, haphazard world this must have appeared to eighteenth-century as well as to our modern eyes.

Robert Heilbroner, The Worldly Philosophers, p. 44


A strange, cruel, haphazard world this must have appeared to eighteenth-century as well as to our modern eyes.

A strange, cruel, haphazard world はC。全体は CSV という語順の倒置文です。
S appears C to ~ で「~の目にはSはCのように映る」。

eighteenth-century は形容詞。

to eighteenth-century (eyes)
as well as 
to our modern eyes


to eighteenth-century (as well as to our modern) eyes

